Monday, September 3, 2012

Long time no see

Whoopsie, it's been a while since I posted anything here. Well, let's see what's been happening while I was on my "blog break".

I (finally) graduated from school.

Now, looking back, those five-ish years just flew by. It was probably the best time I've had so far with all the amazing people, interesting subjects and projects and also the whole Living alone in my own apartment was pretty sweet. I'm so glad I decided to go to this school, I've had so many doors opened for me in the costuming and theater world and I've met many awesome actors, directors and other people that share my love for theater. <3

Then I got a sudden little project at the theater I've worked before. "Sudden" as in about a week before the premiere I got a call:
Caller: "Hi, I heard you're doing this project now."
Me: "I am?!"

Turns out that director from previous year had recommended me for the work and someone did forget to ask whether or not I can do it... Well, it was quite stressful but I managed to finish the project in time. I made/modified some costumes for the play "Jaakko Teppo goes to Mallorca".
Picture from
Then I started working at my local 2nd hand store. It's pretty nice work, thought in future I want to work with costumes and not so much in customer service type work. My boss and other people that visit there are very cool and no two days are alike at the shop, so I like it. (And I also get free stuff from there, like fabrics and such.)

Then, in my free time I have, among other things:
  • Drawn a bit: 
(I kinda also created a DA account:

  • Got a new car and glued buttons on its side (finally! I've wanted to do that for years!):
  • Made some plushies/soft toys:
Peco from BoF3
Prinny from Disgaea games (all hand sewn since I couldn't bother to set up my sewing machine)
  • And I've also met awesome new people and made new friends in the interwebs and I always feel so welcomed when ever I talk with them in the chatrooms. <3
Well, I think that's all for now. See ya later ^.^

1 comment:

  1. Mulla on menny tää merkintä jotenki ihan ohi mutta I LIKE!
