Friday, November 18, 2011

Me wants!!

Lego Darth Vader alarm clock. :D I would probably add a cape

Picture from Kingdom Of Style

Monday, November 14, 2011

Let's Play!

I mentioned LPs on the last post briefly, but now I figured to dedicate the whole post to talk about my great addiction.
LPs or let's play videos are genre of videos in Youtube. In these videos a player is recording the game as he/she plays and provides commentary to it. Often games are blind runs (meaning they haven't played them before) but not always. The tube is flooded with such videos of different games so they are easy to find. Finding the ones that suits you among this is just matter of your personal taste. I myself am really picky, but I have found some awesome let's players I follow regularly.

I first came across LPs when reading Scandinavia and the world by Humoncomics. She did a comic about Amnesia: the dark descent game and in the description box was a link to Mangaminx's let's play. I watched few videos and was hooked. So she was the first LPer I subscribed and through her I found the world of let's plays.

She was the first I started to watch. She's from UK and does both blind runs and reruns of games she has already played. She does horror games only. She's on hiatus now but she has many full let's plays you can watch on her channel.
/Edit: She came back with new channel TheRPGMinx (in which she focuses RPGs as the name suggests)

I found this guy through Mangaminx. He is simply put HILARIOUS! A natural comic (oh those funny one-liners). He's in my top two LPers. He's also from UK. He does blind runs of horror themed games. His slow descending to madness when he's frustrated is so amusing. Atm he's on hiatus.
EDIT: He's back too. Yay!

This guy is also from UK. He does also horror themed games (I see a pattern developing here.. ). He has great LP of Alice: madness returns and the previous game also. He uploads new video aprox. every other day.

This guy is definitely in my top two favorite LPers. He's from USA, he uploads new video every day and he's awesome. He does mostly LPs of scary games, but also other stuff. He plays many weird small indie games you might not otherwise even know existed (I know I wouldn't), such as White Day. He also plays many amnesia custom stories and have done voice acting to few of them too (this guy has awesome voice). He's also started to do weekly livestreams at with his friend RussMoney (who is a creator of amnesia custom story La Caza). The stream starts saturdays at 11pm EST. Unfortunately that means it starts at 6am for me (damn timezones!) I still have attended all livestreams so far 'cause it's just too much fun.
Did I mention he's awesome. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

T-shirt madness

I am easily inspired to make T-shirt prints but I rarely put them into use. But now I got inspired to do so when I made print based on known internet meme and a comment I read from one of my favorite LPers youtube video. So behold!
If you know this, you're cool.

(Grunt from deviantart, shadow, hugs-sign and texts by me)

Hello world

I decided to start a blog where I can ramble what ever comes to mind. So to start this thing, I should probably tell something about me.
I am from eastern Finland and I'm currently studying in university of applied sciences in Savonlinna. I'm soon-to-(hopefully)-be theater costumier. I have only my thesis to write and few courses to finish but unfortunately at the moment I suffer from severe case of "lack of motivation" (mostly about the thesis).

So you're from Finland but you write in English, I hear you ask. Well, there's few main reasons for that. 1. I need practice in writing. I have always been good in reading and listening comprehensions in English (and Swedish). They were my strong point in school. But I suck at grammar in any language (including Finnish) so writing in foreign language is kind of hard for me.
2. Most of my interests and information I come across is in English and I wouldn't probably even know how to explain them in finnish. I may still create a version of this blog in finnish too, but we'll see.

So yeah! Expect lots of spelling mistakes, grammatic errors and random rambling over random things.