Saturday, February 22, 2014

I am (2nd time doing this)

Pics from

Still alive (pics later maybe)

Yeah, so...
It's been quite a long time since I wrote here. In the last post I said I was going to the UK and I sure did, twice actually, and came back too. Flying for the first time was exciting and I was slightly nervous too. The main thing that made me nervous was the weather I guess. The day before my flight it's been all over the news that the weather in UK wasn't very good, it was cold and snowing so many flights were cancelled. Before the take-off my plane had to go and have its wings de-iced (which made me giggle a bit: over there people were freaking out over few cents of snow and here they were just like "No worries peeps, let's just spray a little de-icer and we're off").

So I went there, loved every moment, except the day I had to come back home. Few months later I had someone coming from UK to here, and he never left. :) In the summer we went to a little vacation in UK (reaccurring word here that is) and visited Thorpe Park (amazing amusement park near-ish London). If you go there, be sure to go to a ride called Swarm. AWESOME! And just a note: if you go there during SUNNY day, wear a hat. I didn't and I noticed my mistake the next day. I burned my face, chest and scalp. :p

After we came back, I started a job in summer theatre in a town called Äänekoski. The play was called Some like it hot. I worked as a costumer (made costumes, helped the costume designer) before the premier, took care of the costumes during the season, sold T-shirts and did some other little things around the theatre. They were tiring three months but I loved it. Theatre is amazing thing.
After that job we returned to my home town and I was unemployed for about a week or two and then started another job. Sadly not a theatre job this time. I got a temp job as a cleaning lady to cover someone else during their sick leave. Originally it was supposed to be only for 2,5 to 3 months, but the lady I was covering didn't recover from the surgery like she was supposed to so her sick leave just kept getting longer and longer. So now I've been working there for 6 months and next week (fingers crossed) is the last one finally. To be honest, I don't think I could continue much longer. I'm so bored to this job and it's very tiring and poorly paid. But atleast I've had something to do and it helped pay the bills. I now have new respect to cleaners and their work. It's really demanding!

In the middle of everything we moved to new appartment, because the landlord from the previous place sold the house so we had to find new place. This new one is nice and all, but I miss the old place. It felt so.. home-y.

In other aspects my life's been okay I guess. I've felt kinda lonely because I've had no time or energy to meet friends or do much anything because I've been so tired after looong workdays. Also last few months have been emotional rollercoaster but that's not something I'm gonna share here much.
I was also going to celebrate the ending of my work by booking a surprise weekend trip for two to Estonia, but like it usually happens when I plan something, it goes bad. They had other plans I wasn't informed about. Good thing I didn't book them tickets yet. So silver linings I guess (yay). For now my plans for "celebrating" the end of the slave work is to sleep alot, start making a hoodie I promised to a friend in Sweden and then just.. look for another job. I give it a week and I start going crazy with nothing to do. Damn work-a-holic genes from dad. >.< (you see I've been using skype quite a lot because all the smileys.)

Okay this post is going on a bit too long already so I'm gonna go now. I might add pics to it later when I find suitable ones. Well this have been the long over-due update on stuffs that's been happening to me. If you made it to here, Good job!

See ya later (hopefully)~

Life is never easy for those that dream
                            -Robert James Waller